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Welcome to Volvie's (Mark) Bike4Chai 2019 Page

Mark (Volvie) Greenberger | Boynton Beach, FL

Mark (Volvie) Greenberger

People often ask me, “Why are you doing this? Isn't it getting harder each year?” I experienced a moment during last year’s ride that exemplified my “why” better than I could ever put into words.

Last year after the first day's ride of 100+ miles, there was a Kumzits in the evening where around a dozen campers from Camp Simcha were the guests of honor. As I was listening to the music I noticed a camper in a wheel chair who was dancing with one of the other riders. The other rider noticed me and pulled me in to dance with this camper. Although to any onlooker our bodies weren’t moving in the way that resembles traditional dancing, our movements to that camper could have resembled the grandest ballroom dance. The smile and pure happiness on this camper's face when I joined hands with him and the other biker was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The instant joy that one person can bring to another person is why I ride. I ride to instill even more joy into Camp Simcha’s mission; to bring him and the other children in Camp Simcha even the tiniest sliver more of happiness.

This year, my sixth year of participating in Bike4Chai, I am raising my goal to $21,000 my jackpot number, in honor of winning the fight against debilitating childhood diseases.

I ask you to please help me in reaching that goal, or even allowing me to surpass it, when I ride the 180 miles this year on Wednesday and Thursday August 14 & 15. Any amount that you can sponsor me with will make a difference in the summer of a child who just wants to defy the odds and beat his/her illness.

Day 1

Day 2


raised of $21,000 goal


Go Mark. Have a safe ride. From the entire SEEK staff.
2. Holland Family
Go Mark!
3. Shaif
So proud of you.Keep on accepting my challenges till 120!! L’Ilyu nishmas Miriam Leya bas R’Yitzchok Halevi
4. Meir And Bella Freund
5. Anonymous
in honor of a very happy camper- Yehuda
6. David Landa
Member of

Team PC Riders


Fundraising History

Total Amount Raised since 2014
raised in 2018
raised in 2017
raised in 2016
raised in 2015
raised in 2014

Honorary Riding Partner


Age: 10

Yehuda is a loving, smart and creative 10 year old boy. He enjoys learning Torah, acting out Star Wars scenes and spending time with his family and friends. Yehuda wants to be a Rabbi when he grows up.
137 donors